Looking for thoughts and discussion! Tell me if you think another library/approach solves the same problems. Tell me why this library shouldn't exist!


In order to provide out of the box styles and full Tailwind customization, Chimera components use tailwind-merge to allow you to write new styles and overide the defaults in one go.

Basic Example

import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
export const ExampleComponent = ({className}:{className:string}) => {
  return <div className={twMerge("p-2 bg-base", className)>I'm an example!</div>

When you use the component

import { ExampleComponent } from "chimera-tw";
<ExampleComponent className="p-4" />;
// p-4 will override the p-2 in the block above, final style resulting in "p-4 bg-base"

Styling components with subcomponents

Chimera seeks to give you as much control as possible via a single className prop. However, it is not always possible to customize a component with a single prop, especially in cases where there are subcomponents (e.g., a <Select.Item> inside of <Select>). In these cases, Chimera exposes all of the same subcomponents that Radix does and you can use the className props on the subcomponents to customize them.

// The default classes will be exposed in the intellisense for each component,
// so you will be able to see what styles you are overwriting.
  <Popover.Trigger className="text-teal-600">
    <InfoCircledIcon />
    <Popover.Content className="p-8 bg-teal-600 text-white">
      <Popover.Arrow className="fill-teal-600/>
      <div className="text-sm">
        `This is an example of a popover with custom styles!`